Materia Medica of Important Drugs Giving Their Peculiar Indications


Acid Nitric

It acts chiefly on blood, mucus membranes, glands, bones, rectum and female genitals; syphilis; sores inside the throat, chronic liver troubles ; fistula-in-ano ; bleeding piles ; pain in rectum during and after defecation ; smell like that of horse’s urine is perceived in one’s sweat or urine ; chronic leucorrhoea; blood-dysentery. It is adapted to persons who take cold easily or bleed easily; tendency to diarrhoea.

Acid Phosphoric

Acts chiefly on nervous system, kidneys, male genitals, bones and skin. Somnolence or apathy ; patient is insensitive to happenings about him but is fully alive to them when awakened; debilitating ailments traceable to grief, mental or physical fatigue; sexual excesses ; urine looks milky or is pale like water ; rapid growth; headache due to excessive study (in girls) ; diseases of the nervous system or reproductive system; whitish or liquid evacuations ; exhaustion due to excessive perspiration ; bleeding ; chronic, painless diarrhoea; spermatorrhoea; troubles due to excessive masturbation ; tubercular ulceration of bones, falling off of hair from weakness ; impotence ; leucorrhoea; frequent or copious albuminous urination at night with passage of albumen there with ; diabetes nocturnal emission of debilitating character; facial acne.


Great fear and anxiety; Fear of death or of crowds; restlessness, physical or mental. Sudden violent onsets—fever, cholera, influenza, etc., rapid sinking, disease due to exposure to dry cold wind or to sudden suppression of sweating; in the early stages of inflammation—of acute fever, measles, cough, croup, bronchitis, pneumonia, etc. ; better when uncovered or in the open air ; worse on lying on affected side or in a warm room ; much thirst ; skin is dry and hot; pulse hard, quick, full; face flushed difficulty of breathing urine high coloured ; palpitation ; amenorrhoea.

Antim Tart

Acts chiefly on liver, lungs and mucus membrane of stomach. Diseases of the young and old ; diseases of chest giving rise to much mucus in the air passage or to rattling noise in the throat from collection of mucus that the patient cannot bring up coma, sweating, debility; nausea ; retching or vomiting; loss of relish for food ; cold sweat on body ; face pale or blue; tremors of all body and especially of hands and head ; taste for acids and aversion to milk ; want of thirst; cholera ; relief on eructations or discharge of phlegm ; up-turned eyes ; paralysis or dropsy (oedema) of lungs is threatened ; purulent itches on skin ; bronchitis of children ; mucus vomit ; asthma ; lumbago; difficulty of breathing.


Acts principally on blood, muscles and lymphatics. Bruised pain all over the body ; bed feels too hard ; burning pain in the head ; face and head hot, other parts of the body (especially the extremities) cold ; black-and-blue marks ; belching, diarrhoea, bitter taste as from rotten eggs ; foul breath ; bleeding due to trauma ; unconsciousness or coma ; patient is restless with fever but says that he feels well; coma on attempting to speak during fever ; gangrene ; diseases due to hurt or fatiguing Labor; paralysis following delivery, typhoid fever; myalgia; tetanus following hurt, fall or injury ; rheumatism ; bed-sores ; chronic malaria ; nosebleed or haemoptysis ; bleeding ; unconscious passage of stools. Used topically in injuries, cuts, bruises or black and blue marks.


Acts upon every organ and on excretory organs in particular ; restlessness due to physical or mental agony ; sudden collapse; burning sensation all over relieved by covering up the body ; unquenchable thirst, drinks often but little at a time fatigue and shortness of breath on movements or on mounting stairs; vomiting and purging simultaneously ; vomiting and purging are aggravated by eating and drinking ; any disease that is aggravated between 12 mid-night and 3 a.m. ; any disease aggravated by exposure to cold wind, or by exposure to cold or by living in cold room or by movements ; any disease that is ameliorated by hot wind, heated room or by direct exposure to heat ; skin is dry, scaly, burning or greasy ; cold affecting the brain covering and mucous membrane of nose and causing acrid discharge from the latter ; stuffing up of nostrils ; heart- disease, watery motions or green and blackish irritating motions ; occasional vomit; diarrhoea ; cholera ; puerperal fever ; intolerable burning pain in stomach ; gastric ulcer; burning and itching of skin ; itches give off scales when scratched ; burning itches all-round the face, discharging whitish fluid; where quinine has been unavailable in chronic intermittent fever ; abuse of quinine ; ophthalmia ; dropsy; gangrene ; sleeplessness ; Anemia; neuralgia ; wasting diseases.

Mid-day or mid-night aggravation, great dibility, restlessness and burning are the key-notes of this profoundly acting polychrest.


Acts chiefly on cerebrum and the nervous system generally. Face bright ; pulse hard, full bounding ; delirium ; convulsions ; eyes injected: fixed stare ; mouth ; tongue and throat are dry or red ; flatulence; rotten smell in throat during eating: local inflammation with throbbing pain ; early stage of abscesses or boils ; neuralgia; hydrophobia ; bloody dysentery ; scanty menses ; excessive menses ; Labor pain ; cough ; scarlet fever ; erysipelas ; ulcer ; coma: any pain that suddenly comes and suddenly goes.


Acts chiefly on pleura, brain and liver. Lips, mouth and stomach are dry, dryness is grand characteristic ; patient drinks much at long intervals ; hard dry stools ; diseases due to exposure to dry cold wind in summer or rainy seasons ; vicarious menstruation ; breast hard, hot and tender ; constipation with no desire for food, stools dry, hard as if burnt; bronchitis; first stage of pneumonia ; pain in chest on coughing or on deep breathing; dry cough ; rheumatism, rendering movements painful ; lumbago ; rheumatic fever ; jaundice ; bilious fever and headache ; bilious vomit; heart-bum ; bitter belching ; irritable temper; puerperal fever; pricking or cutting pain; worse movements, better rest.

Calcarea Carb

Acts in diseases due to disturbed metabolism (e.g., scrofula, tuberculosis, osteomalacia). Leading indications— (a) Blonde, stout people with soft bone (osteomalacia) (b) Those who are susceptible to cold. (c) Night-sweats. (d) Those who have cold feet and are easily chilled. (e) Acidity all through the gastro-intestinal tract— sour taste, sour eructations, sour vomits, sour smell in faeces. (f) Localized sweats—e.g., on forehead, (g) Faulty bone development—as non-closure of fontanelles, late teething, late walking. (h) Persons who have to stand long hours in water (as washer-men) ; delayed or troublesome teething ; delayed walking ; ophthalmia; inflammation of glands (adenitis) ; copious menstruation with legs and feet very cold and moist ; anticipation of menses ; milky white leuconhoeal discharge ; early seminal discharge during coitus with exhaustion ; sweating of head at night ; aggravation of disease at or about full-moon ; relief of troubles on lying exposed to cold draught or on painful side ; evacuations are acrid, greenish or blackish; occasional vomiting; aggravation of alternate days of chronic ailments or of diarrhoea. Sulphur should not be used after using the medicine.

Carbo Vegetabilis

It acts chiefly on blood, nervous system and gastric mucous membrane. Useful when patient is in collapse—icy coldness of the body ; body blue and vitally is at its lowest ebb, and patient wants to be continually fanned ; the final stage of any disease, with copious cold sweat and husky voice ; failure to regain health after having received serious injuries ; diseases due to abuse of quinine ; feeling of burning inside the body; venous, dark blood-discharge from any part of the body; eructations; heart-burn ; constriction, abdomen greatly distended, better passing wind ; flatulent colic; frequently belching up of gas ; typhoid fever ; piles; diarrhoea ; toothache ; ulcer on gum ; bleeding from gums ; gangrenous sore; husky voice ; indigestion ; cold surface (especially below knees to feet) during moribund stage; pain in liver.


Acts chiefly on nerves, liver, stomach and mucous membranes generally. Fidgety temper, unbearable pain that destroys sleep—e.g., Labor pain, pain of Dysmenorrhoea ; unbearable pain and the painful limbs go to sleep or get paralyzed ; burning of feet at night ; cough during sleep ; diseases due to dentition (e.g., diarrhoea ; convulsions ; shready and grass-green stools, mucus diarrhoea with smell of rotten eggs) painful dentition ; cutting pain in abdomen ; one cheek, especially the left, red and hot, other pale and sunken; swelling of cheeks with feverishness; aggravation of pain on hot drinks ; neuralgia ; dark clots passed during menses ; cramps in pregnant women ; child is peevish and exceedingly irritable; child wants to be carried about in arms, it soothes the pain and quietens the child.


It acts chiefly on the gangliated nerves. Debility from profuse blood or seminal loss ; periodicity marked in any disease ; black clots passed with ringing in the ears, dimness of vision and fainting ; Anemia, blood is watery ; flatulence ; no relief from belching of gas or passing of flatus ; painless diarrhoea ; yellow or slate coloured liquid stools ; chill or rigor; sweating with thirst; sweat on covering up the body or during sleep 500; chronic gout; diarrhoea from eating fruits ; flatulence from tea-drinking; hypersensitiveness of skin, unable even to bear the weight of clothes ; enlargement of liver and spleen from repeated congestion of them ; intermittent malaria with the 3 stages well marked; dropsy ; ravenous hunger throbbing and splitting headache; debilitating nocturnal emissions; impotence from excessive venery.


Acts chiefly on small intestines. Constant itching of nose (due to worms) and picking at nose irritable temper; child swallows air; sudden accession of high fever; sleeplessness; croup ; grinding of teeth ; convulsions ; coma due to worms ; intestinal worms ; aversion to food. Canine hunger, hungry soon after a meal ; craving for sweets and several other things ; “enuresis nocturnal” urine is like milk, whooping cough or suffocative cough, complications arising from worms.

Ferrum Met.

Acts chiefly on blood. Anemia ; debility ; headache from debility ; inflammation of bladder and urethra; alternate loss of appetite and voracious appetite ; haemorrhage from internal organs ; face flushed (especially during rigor) ; painless diarrhoea ; malaria; belching up or vomiting of whole day’s eating ; face pale ; palpitation; blood-vomit, asthma, etc. relieved by slow walks ; chronic diarrhoea ; sore-throat; excessive menses ; diseases due to abuse of tea or quinine ; especially useful to delicate women and persons of nervous or sanguine temperament.


Acts chiefly on veins, Venous bleeding is its chief characteristic. Bleeding from any orifice or any part of the body—the blood being dark and in clots. Swelling of veins of female genitals. It is used internally and locally in bleeding from uterus.

Hepar Sulphur

Acts chiefly on skin and mucous membrane of respiratory organs. It hastens suppuration and faster maturation. Very sensitive to cold draughts or least touch ; slightest injury causes suppuration. To hasten maturation of abscesses, use lower potency (2x. etc.) and to abort suppuration, use higher dilution (30—200). Any pimples full of blood and pus; suppurating ulcer; gangrenous sore with red margins. Cough with rattling of throat; croup or asthma after exposure to cold dry wind; fish-bone sensation in throat; throbbing or lancinating pain ; constant swelling ; painful defecation and slow micturition owing to muscular weakness ; troubles arising from abuse of mercury ; persons of syphilitic constitution ; hoarseness difficulty of breathing (especially in the early stage of croup), abscess ; whitlow ; hard pimples on head ; chronic cough ; chronic indigestion; piles ; constipation ; pus in ear ; syphilitic sore ; discharge of foetid pus. Useful to the scrofulous persons suffering from abuse of mercury, and persons whose ailments are aggravated by exposure to cold wind. The patient is peevish and becomes angry at mere trifles.


Acts chiefly on respiratory and digestive organs. Asthma; shortness of breath with wheezing or rattling noise ; sick-headache; discharge of bright red blood from uterus, nose, mouth, rectum or lungs, etc.; frothy or greenish evacuations ; intermittent fever with nausea; fever due to abuse of quinine ; irregular fever; first stage of infantile liver ; greenish mucous diarrhoea with streaks of blood ; grass-green motions ; bilious headache ; vomiting. Persistent nausea, no relief from vomiting.


Acts chiefly on spinal and gastric nerves and on lungs. Exhaustion; aggravation of disease after waking from sleep ; it is a left-sided remedy ; diseases commencing on left side and extending to right; sensation of constriction in different parts of the body ; blood poisoning ; tremor of tongue or other parts of the body from weakness ; pain in throat; ear-ache ; tearing pain from cheek-bone to ear; dry mouth without thirst foetid diarrhoea ; unconscious evacuations; summer diarrhoea; blackish-blue sores on skin; scanty dark menstruation , pain like Labor-pain during menstruation; women nearing their menopause ; attack of plague. Left-sided paralysis.


Acts chiefly on respiratory and digestive organs ; skin, liver and the mucous membrane of the genito-urinary tract. Mental depression ; weak memory; easily irritable tremor ; diseases of the right side of body; disease like pneumonia, hernia, abscesses, etc., that commence on right side and extend to the left ; tympanitic distension and passage of flatus downwards ; rumbling of abdomen ; red sediment in urine ; renal colic, it prevents tendency to recurrence of renal colic ; aggravation of disease between 4 and 8 p.m. One leg is cold, other is hot ; appetite easily satisfied ; a sense of weight (on eating) in abdomen ; thirst after sweatings sour taste in mouth, sour sweat, acid eructations, and vomit in intermittent fever ; constipation with difficulty in easing oneself in consequence of contraction of the rectum blood-poisoning ; vertigo on rising, after leaving bed in the morning ; acid belchings ; water-brash, heart bum with Lithic acid-diathesis.

Slightest food cause distress ; craves everything warm; full bloated feeling in the abdomen as soon as a few mouthful are taken. It is a right-sided remedy and is adapted to the old.

Mercurius Vivus

Acts on every organ and connective tissue. To mature a boil, use its lower potency ; to abort it, its higher potency. Gums are spongy and they bleed ; tongue is swollen, indented at the sides and drop out of mouth ; tongue moist, mouth is full of saliva yet patient is thirsty ; profuse sweat, day and night ; bone diseases ; affections of right lower part of lung ; inflammation or suppuration of lymphatic glands ; sore-throat ; salivation ; sores inside mouth ; toothache ; pus from ears ; mucus or pus from nose and eyes ; ophthalmia ; hepatitis (pain on lying on right side) ; liver is hard, enlarged and painful ; sour-smelling and bilious motions ; jaundice ; bilious diarrhoea; syphilitic chancre ; gastritis ; syphilitic rheumatism; blood dysentery ; straining at stool. Worse at night, from warmth of bed, from cold, damp, wet weather, during perspiration.

Natrum Muriaticum

Acts chiefly on blood, lymphatic system, salivation, mucous membranes, liver and spleen, inveterate intermittent pyrexia; fever due to abuse of arsenic or quinine; emaciation; Anemia; constipation; enlargement of liver and spleen ; Gonorrhea ; leucorrhoea; catarrh ; nose-bleed ; fever blisters ; saltish or bitter taste in mouth or loss of taste ; cracking and dryness of lips and anus ; malaria fever coming on between 9 and 11 a.m., mouth moist though patient feels dry ; tingling sensation in tongue, lips, nose and fingers ; itching, palpitation.

Nux Vomica

Acts chiefly on motor and sensory nerves and on back and medula. Nervous temperament; very irritable ; anxiety, diseases due to excessive mental Labor and sedentary habits, over-sensitiveness to smell, light, sound and touch ; convulsion ; chilliness on being uncovered ; chilly, must be covered in every stage of fever; disease due to intoxicants or strong medicines ; frequent ineffectual desire for stool with passage of only small quantity at a time ; exhaustion on waking from sleep ; heavy sensation in lower abdomen 2 or 3 hours after meals, nausea and vomiting ; straining before and during stools, relief afterwards (especially in blood- dysentery) ; piles and itching of the anus ; nose is moist in the day and dry at night ; aggravation in the morning ; sensation of foreign-body in throat ; constipation with urging for motions ; dry cough ; catarrh ; diseases due to night-keeping ; glutony of drinks ; alternate constipation and diarrhoea ; colic ; flatulence ; heart-bums ; headache and vertigo ; back of tongue coated ; nightmares ; nausea when on board a boat or ship ; spasmodic asthma ; cramps in lower limbs ; excessive and early menses ; morning sickness during menstrual period ; dribbling of urine ; paralysis of urinary bladder, liver-disease ; tremors of fingers and of hands from excessive drinking. Prevents tendency to reappearance of boils, etc.


Acts chiefly on cerebro-spinal and sympathetic nervous systems. Patient feels no pain, he feels drowsy but cannot sleep ; vomiting of foul matters through mouth ; skin is hot yet moist; deep coma with congested face and stertorus respiratiom ; bed feels too warm ; constipation ; diseases due to fear or anxiety; typhoid fever; cerebral torpor ; stertorus breathing; exhaustion, contracted pupils; flatulence; deep sleep with half open eyes ; heat-stroke ; apoplexy. Drowsiness is the greatest characteristic.


Acts chiefly on blood and nervous system. Haemorrhagic temperament—bleeding at the slightest provocation. Especially adapted to tall young persons; burning sensation in mouth, stomach and rectum ; aggravation of cough from evening to mid-night ; head diseases—vertigo, headache, deafness, nose-bleed, Anemia; copious diarrhoea ; sago-grain-like sediments in liquid stools and anus lies wide open ; thirst for cold drinks ; but the water is vomited up as soon as it gets warmed in the stomach ; alleviation after sleep ; nervous debility ; Pneumonia ; cough with bloodspitting and husky voice or loss of voice ; phthisis ; liver diseases ; impotence ; anticipation of menses ; menorrhagia; excessive desire for coitus ; sinus after chest operation.


Acts chiefly on mucous membrane, meninges, veins, eyes, ears and genitals. Weeping mood. Indigestion from rich (especially fatty) food ; tongue coated or yellow, bilious and mucous vomit; acidity ; heart-burn; mucous diarrhoea ; measles, chicken-pox; ear-ache ; pus from ear rheumatism ; gout ; remittent or intermittent fever running due to cold in the head; dropping of eye-lids ; deafness following measles ; irregular menstruation ; black clots passed during menses ; Dysmenorrhoea ; orchitis; pains with chilliness, shifting places continually ; amenorrhoea ; Gonorrhea; symptoms constantly changing (now crying now rejoicing, variegated stools, etc.), dry mouth without thirst; thick, soft, yellow, bland discharges from mucous membranes; stoppage of menstruation from wetting feet ; amelioration of symptoms on exposure to cold draught. Want of thirst with nearly all complaints. Best suits composed women with weeping tendency. Helps delivery, if given during Labor pain.

Rhus Tox

Acts chiefly on viscera, mucous membranes, muscles, skin and ligaments and fasciae of joints. Tongue dry or coated and its tip red and pointed ; restlessness patient constantly changing his position; complications like those of enteric fever ; low delirium; coma muscular rheumatism; sprain-wounds ; neuralgic pain on left side in the loins pain in left arm, with heart troubles ; pain between shoulders during swallowing ; dry hacking cough during the cold stage of fever and nettle rash all over the body during the hot stage ; chronic rheumatism ; gout; lumbago ; paralysis from rheumatism ; erysipelas ; chicken pox ; measly rash all over the body ; typhoid fever with diarrhoea ; skin disease with unbearable itching and burning sensation ; scabies or eczema of the lower extremities.

Secale Cor

Acts chiefly on cerebro-spinal nervous system. Cramps or convulsions of cholera; burning sensation of skin but the skin is cold to touch ; shortness of breath, and paralytic state of limbs in cholera ; senile gangrene ; paralysis; weak; irregular Labor pain ; after pains excessive flooding (especially in lean women); unconscious evacuations of debilitating nature, foetid, green, liquid stools haemorrhagic diathesis, small wounds bleed for days together; haemorrhages from the bowels; menses that are copious and last long; threatened abortion especially at third month. Do not use Secale (especially the 6 or the lower potencies) to hasten delivery. The Secale Cor patient gets relieved from cold and feels worse from heat.

Silicea (Silica)

See under “Tissue Remedies.” Where a child does not thrive well even on nourishing food ; it is pot-bellied with wizened mouth and lanky legs, the fontenelles and satures remain open, child is late in walking; much perspiration on the head. Disease following vaccination. Helps the extraction of needles or fish-bone stuck. Swelling of mucous membranes, glands, joints, bones, etc.; whitlow ; old suppurative abscesses ; scrofulous ulcer ; foul-smelling scabs on scalp ; want of fat in limbs ; suppuration of bones and periosteum ; obstinate constipation, the half-expelled stony hard stools recede again ; aggravation during full or new-moon. Fistulous ulcer in eyes and anus, etc.


Acts on whole body through the gangliated nervous system. Patients of scrofulous diathesis, in whom the disease continually relapses ; patients who walk or stand stooping and cannot stand long and who are habitually dirty and filthy. All sorts of skin-diseases ; itches; chronic diseases; constipation ; piles ; cough ; ulcer; rheumatism ; abscesses ; whitlow thread-worm ; morning diarrhoea ; feeling of boiling sensation inside the head ; frequent micturition ; burning sensation during micturition ; burning sensation all Over the body and especially in the soles of the feet; congestion of lips, ears, nostrils, eyelids, urinary tract, rectum ; serious illness following suppression of skin-diseases ; lingering trail of any disease, where other medicines fail ; ophthalmia ; menses are either anticipated or retarded and profuse, though lasting a shorter period; painful acrid leucorrhoeal discharge. It can be used at the beginning and end of a course of any medicine and also occasionally where seemingly indicated medicines do not act favourably ; aggravation of diseases after a bath or by the heat of bed or after mid-night. Calc. Carb. is never to precede Sulphur.


It acts chiefly on genito-urinary organs, anus and skin. It is the chief anti-sycotic. Vegetations (tubercular, sessile, etc); warts (venereal or not); suppressed Gonorrhea; Gonorrheal rheumatism ; Gonorrheal urethritis, (acute or chronic) discharge of thick greenish phlegm from nose or ears ; flatulent distention of lower abdomen ; teeth crumble, turn yellow ; decay of teeth at the root; the fluid he drinks fall amiably into stomach ; eruptions on covered portions or sweat on uncovered portions of body ; general ill-health following an attack of small-pox or vaccination ; ill effects of vaccination ; aggravation of disease on exposure to moist wind ; a peculiar sensation as if the limbs are made of glass and would break easily ; piles and fistula; yellow or greenish pus at the mouth of the penis ; urine is dribbling ; diabetes following Gonorrhea ; secondary syphilis, ingrowing of nails.

Verat. Album

It acts chiefly on trophic nerves through the cerebro-spinal system. Cholera (with rice-water like stools), cold body convulsions ; colic ; debility and cold sweat, a true picture of collapse, extreme coldness, blueness and weakness ; nervous exhaustion ; delirium ; retching or vomiting with cold sweat on forehead ; inability with an impulse to cut or tear away things ; stuporous conditions— burning into mania if patients are teased ; rheumatism ; aggravation by damp air, intolerable pain, causing delirium ; profuse discharge of urine, stool, sweat, saliva, etc. Intermittent fever with coldness of body, extreme prostration and cold sweat on forehead.

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