Hemorrhoids, also known as piles, are swollen veins in the anus and lower rectum that resemble varicose veins. They can be caused by straining during bowel movements or by the increased pressure on these veins during pregnancy. Hemorrhoids can be internal or external, developing under the skin around the anus.
Nearly three out of every four adults will experience hemorrhoids at some point, and while they occasionally go unnoticed, they can also occasionally cause itching, discomfort, and bleeding.
SymptomsHemorrhoids can cause the following symptoms and signs:
Painless bleeding during bowel movements — you might see a few drops of bright red blood in the toilet or on your toilet paper.
A rash or itch in the area around your anal opening.
· Pain or discomfort
· Swelling around your anus
A sensitive or painful lump close to your anus that could be a thrombosed hemorrhoid
The location affects the symptoms of hemorrhoids most often.
Internal hemorrhoids.When passing stool, straining or irritation can harm a hemorrhoid’s surface, causing it to bleed. These hemorrhoids, which are internal to the rectum, are typically invisible and rarely cause discomfort.
A protruding or prolapsed hemorrhoid, also known as a prolapsed hemorrhoid, can occasionally be caused by straining and can cause discomfort and irritation.
External hemorrhoids.External hemorrhoids are located under the skin near your anus, and they may itch or bleed if they become inflamed.
Thrombosed hemorrhoids.An external hemorrhoid may occasionally accumulate blood and develop a clot (thrombus), which can cause excruciating pain, swelling, inflammation, and the development of a hard lump close to your anus.
It is possible to treat piles with mother tinctures, some of which are listed below:
AESCULUS HIPPOCASTANUM Q—–Aesculus is primarily used as a treatment for blind piles, which are characterized by painful, burning, rawness, soreness, and itching in the lumbo-sacral region, as well as backaches and constipation. The rectum also feels as though it is filled with tiny sticks.
Anorexia, bleeding from the mouth, and piles with constipation are all questions that AEGLE MARMELOS asked.
Protruding piles that look like bunches of blue grapes at the anal edge that are extremely tender, sore, and painful. They may also be accompanied by burning at the anus and intense itching, which is relieved by applying cold. A history of protracted diarrhea may also be present. ALOE SOCOTRINA Q.
It is a good blood purifier and a treatment for bleeding piles, BLUMEA ODORATA Q.
FICUS RELIGIOSA Q- The patient is melancholic, so noise sensitivity is present in addition to bleeding piles and a white-coated tongue.
bleeding piles, soreness, and profuse bleeding of dark venous blood. Anus feels raw and sore. HAMAMMELIS VIRGINICA Q.
HYPERICUM PERFORATUM 1X—Use the tincture topically and internally for hemorrhoids that are painful, bleed, or are tender.
JANOSIA ASOKA Q- Dry mouth with a strong thirst for water, desire for sweets and sour things, and aversion to milk. Bleeding piles associated with itching and smarting pain in the rectum.
LUFFA BINDAL Q—It effectively treats piles, and some authors advise applying it topically to the piles. People who are prone to colds, changes in the weather, or intermittent catarrh are particularly helped by this medication.
Blood is bleeding bright red from hemorrhoids in MILLEFOLIUM Q.
MIMOSA PUDICA Q—-External piles, irritable stools with abdominal cramping that occur up to ten times per day, better after evacuation
Hemorrhoids with a burning sensation, bleeding piles, and constipation with severe itching can all be treated with MUCUNA PRURIENS/DOLICHOS PRURIENS Q.
Hemorrhoids, rectal enlargements, and severe pain are all conditions that can be effectively treated with NEGUNDIUM Q.
PAEONIA 3X: If Mucuna is unsuccessful, try Paeonia. Large, ulcerated piles; large, ulcerated hemorrhoids; painful ulcers oozing foul moisture on the perineum; purple, crusted ulcerations on the anus and the perineum; itching, burning, and fissures in the anus.
Bleeding piles, frequent urges to urinate but only manages to do so with great effort, excessive salivation, and a strong desire for cold water are all symptoms of TERMINALIA CHEBULA Q.
DOSE—5 drops three times daily .
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