Homeopathy Medicine for Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
The most common way that sexually transmitted bacteria spread from the vagina to the uterus, fallopian tubes, or ovaries is through the development of pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), an infection of the female reproductive organs.
Symptoms of Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)
Some women do not experience any signs or symptoms of pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), and when they do, they most frequently include the following:
- pain in the pelvis and lower abdomen that can range in intensity.
- vaginal discharge that is unusual or excessive and may smell unpleasant
- abnormal uterine bleeding, particularly during or right after sex, or in between periods
- Pain during intercourse
- Fever, sometimes with chills
- urination that is painful, difficult, or frequent
Causes of Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)
Chlamydia or gonorrhea infections, which are most frequently contracted during unprotected sex, are among the many types of bacteria that can cause PID.
Rarely, bacteria can enter the reproductive tract during the insertion of an intrauterine device (IUD), a type of long-term birth control, or any medical procedure that involves inserting instruments into the uterus. Less frequently, bacteria can enter the reproductive tract anytime the normal barrier created by the cervix is disturbed, including during menstruation, after childbirth, miscarriage, or abortion.
Risk factors of Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)
Pelvic inflammatory disease risk may be impacted by a number of variables, such as:
- having sex before the age of 25 as a woman
- Having multiple sexual partners
- Having sex with someone who is in a multi-partner relationship
- not using a condom when having sex
- Douching frequently can mask symptoms and disturb the balance of beneficial and harmful bacteria in the vagina.
- having a history of sexually transmitted infections or pelvic inflammatory disease
The first three weeks following the placement of an intrauterine device (IUD) are typically when PID risk is slightly elevated.
Complications of Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)
In the reproductive tract, untreated pelvic inflammatory disease may lead to the formation of scar tissue and abscesses, which can harm the reproductive organs permanently.
This damage could have the following complications:
- Ectopic pregnancy.Untreated PID can result in the development of scar tissue in the fallopian tubes, which prevents the fertilized egg from passing through the fallopian tube to implant in the uterus and causes the egg to instead implant in the fallopian tube, leading to a tubal (ectopic) pregnancy, which can result in massive, life-threatening bleeding and necessitates emergency medical care.
- Infertility.Infertility, or the inability to become pregnant, may be brought on by damage to your reproductive organs. The more PID episodes you have, and the longer you wait to get treatment for PID, the higher your risk of infertility will be.
- Chronic pelvic pain.Pain during sexual activity and ovulation can be brought on by pelvic inflammatory disease, scarring in your fallopian tubes, and other pelvic organs.
- Tubo-ovarian abscess.PID may lead to the development of an abscess, or collection of pus, in your reproductive tract. If an abscess is left untreated, you may develop a life-threatening infection. Abscesses most frequently affect the fallopian tubes and ovaries, but they can also form in the uterus or in other pelvic organs.
Prevention of Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)
To lower your chance of developing pelvic inflammatory disease:
- Practice safe sex.Limit the number of partners you have, always use condoms, and enquire about the sexual history of potential partners.
- Talk to your doctor about contraception.Use barrier methods, such as a condom, every time you have sex with a new partner to protect against STIs even if you take birth control pills. Many forms of contraception do not protect against the development of PID. Using a condom helps to reduce your risk.
- Get tested.Set up a regular screening schedule with your doctor if necessary, schedule a test appointment if you suspect you may have an STI, and seek treatment for the condition as soon as possible for the best chance of avoiding PID.
- Request that your partner be tested.In order to stop the spread of STIs and possible PID recurrence, suggest that your partner get tested and treated if you have a STI or pelvic inflammatory disease.
- Don’t douche.Douching throws off the bacteria’s delicate balance in your vagina.
Homeopathic Medicine for Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)
Sepia Succus – Natural Medicine for PID with Pain in Lower Abdomen/ Pelvic Area
Sepia Succusis a great homeopathic treatment for PID that manifests as sharp pain in the lower abdomen or pelvic area, along with a strong bearing-down sensation in the pelvis, burning or gripping in the uterus in some cases necessitating Sepia Succus, and possibly offensive yellowish or greenish vaginal discharge.
Merc Sol – Effective Homeopathic Medicine for PID with Vaginal Discharge
Merc Solis a natural remedy for PID with excessive vaginal discharge. The signs and symptoms of PID with excessive vaginal discharge include acrid, excoriating, and itchy discharges that cause a burning sensation in the vagina and may be purulent, yellow, or green. The discharges tend to get worse after urination.
It’s possible to experience stinging ovarian pain as well as stitching uterine pain in some cases.
Phosphorus – Natural Remedy for PID with Bleeding from Uterus between Periods
Phosphorusis an effective homeopathic treatment for PID cases where there is uterine bleeding between periods. The uterine bleeding tends to be profuse. Weakness typically follows the menstrual bleeding. Other symptoms include ovarian pain (specifically left-sided). The ovarian pain is felt most during menses. Leucorrhoea of white or watery mucus may be present. A weak sensation in the abdomen may also be present.
Sabina Officinalis – Effective Homeopathic Treatment for PID with Heavy Periods
Sabina Officinalisis a well-indicated homeopathic remedy for pelvic inflammatory disease with heavy periods. The periods are profuse and gushing in nature. The bleeding is bright red colored with dark clots in it. The blood may have an offensive odor. Motion tends to worsen the blood flow. The primary accompanying symptom is pain in the sacrum that extends to the pubic bone. This remedy is also suggested for inflammation of the uterus and ovaries that may occur after childbirth or an abortion
Medorrhinum – Natural Homeopathic Medicine for PID with Painful Periods
Medorrhinumis an important homeopathic treatment for PID when a woman has excruciatingly painful periods, ovarian pains that improve with pressure, copious, dark, and offensive menstrual bleeding, and in some cases, fishy-smelling discharge from the vagina.
Kreosotum – Natural Treatment for Pelvic Inflammatory Disease with Pain during Intercourse
Kreosotumis a natural remedy for PID when there is pain during intercourse (dyspareunia), burning in the genitalia, and bleeding after intercourse. Along with the aforementioned symptoms, there may be unpleasant, itchy, corrosive leucorrhoea that gets worse between periods and frequently leaves a yellow stain on clothing.
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