Homeopathy Medicine for Pityriasis Rosasea


A young adult reports with oval/round patches covered by a fine, crinkly scale situated on the trunk has persisted for more than a week or two, and later developed a generalized eruptions. There is a mild itch or no symptoms. It is a case of PITYRIASIS ROSASEA.

There may be a virus present, though the cause is unknown.


Before the herald patch develops, some people experience headache, fatigue, fever, or sore throat. Pityriasis rosea typically starts with a large, slightly raised, scaly patch on the back, chest, or abdomen.


The exact cause of pityriasis rosea is unknown, but some evidence suggests the rash may be brought on by a viral infection, particularly by certain strains of the herpes virus. Pityriasis rosea isn’t thought to be contagious, and the rash may be brought on by a different herpes virus than that which causes cold sores.


Pityriasis rosea complications are uncommon but can include the following:

  • Severe itching
  • following the rash’s healing, dark skin will have persistent brown spots.


Arsenicum albumThe eruptions are papular, dry, rough, scaly, and worse from cold and scratching. There is itching, followed by burning and swelling. The spots are blue-black in color. The skin is dirty, dry, and shriveled with a parchment-like appearance.

Flouricum acidumis best suited to chronic diseases with a history of syphilis and irrationality. Patients complain of deep destructive processes and old age. The skin is dry, cracked, rough, and itchy. Small patches of the skin experience burning pains.

Kalium arsenicumItching that is intolerable, dry, scaly, and wilted skin that itches more during warm weather changes and chronic skin diseases are more indicative of the condition.

Mezereumhas pruritus, chilliness, intolerable itching, thick scabs that ulcerate and become infected underneath, and pains that are worse at night.

Sepia officinalishas unpleasant skin odor and springtime eruptions that resemble ringworm.

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