SBL Cactus Glandiflorus 30 CH (30ml) : Chest complaints, Constriction, congestion, easy clot form dissolve


Also known as

Tobacco G



30 CH




82 (gms)


3.5 cm by 3.5 cm by 9.5 cm

Cactus Grandiflorus

Common names: Selenecereus spinulosus, Night-blooming Cereus

Congestive headaches, which frequently feel as though they are being compressed in a vise and are worse on one side of the head, are one of the most common conditions for which cactus is the main treatment.

The heart feels constricted, as if an iron band is clasped around it, preventing normal movement, and there is no room for the heart to beat. The entire body feels caged, with each wire being twisted tighter and tighter. The pains are of a pricking nature. Dysponea (breathlessness) occurs with the least amount of effort. The pulse is quick, throbbing, tense, and hard. The pains extend to the axilla

It is the heart and arteries that immediately respond to the influence of cactus, producing very distinctive constrictions as of an iron band. This sensation is found in various places, such as the esophagus and bladder. The mental symptoms produced correspond to those found when there are heart affections, sadness, and melancholy. Haemorrhage, constrictions, periodicity, and spasmodic pains. The whole body feels as if cactus is acting.

The use of Cactus Grandiflorus is also recommended for rheumatic and intermittent fevers. These types of fevers are characterized by dyspnea, violent headache pain, unquenchable thirst, and excessive sweating. Paroxysms of fever occur at 11 am and 11 pm, and the chilliness is not relieved by covering.


-Death-fearing, melancholic, reserved, depressed, and sour-tempered.

– Painful screams; nervousness


– Health concerns and heart disease fears get worse when you wake up in the morning.

– Light and noise sensitive.

– A challenge in writing out ideas.


– CONSTRUCTION, a sharp pain, like being cowed by barbed wire.

– Clogging in the painful area.

– Thrombosis, internal hemorrhage, and hemorrhages with constriction.

– Lying, especially on the left side, worse at 11 a.m. and 3 p.m.

– It’s better outside.

– Periodicity


– Headache if forced to stay out past dinner time.

– Vertigo sensation, right-sided pulsating pain, congestive headaches that come and go and are potentially apoplexic.

– Head feels compressed, as if it were in a vise, with enlarging blood vessels to the head.

Right-sided constricting pains that return daily at the same hour, dim vision, and pulsation in the ears

– At 11:00 p.m., there was sharp pain and a pressure-like sensation.

– A nosebleed and congested, reddened face come after the pain.

-Talking noise is worse than fasting; pressure is better.


– Prolonged coryza and severe bleeding from the nose.

Epistaxis, caused by congestion


– Traffic jams.

– Right side of the body hurts more, least amount of effort, wine, noise, and light.


– Esophageal constriction makes swallowing challenging and necessitates drinking when eating

– A burning sensation on the tongue; eating requires a lot of liquid.

– In angina pectoris, a suffocating constriction at the throat accompanied by full, throbbing carotids

– An uncomfortable constriction coupled with carotid pulsation


Vomiting blood or feeling constricted, heavy, or pulsating in the stomach.


– Black, hard stools; morning diarrhea.

– Anus feels heavy and swollen, and hemorrhoids are painful.

– Bowel bleeding when suffering from heart symptoms and malarial fevers.


– The bladder’s neck becoming constricted, which results in urine retention.

– Bladder bleeding with urethral blood clots.

– A constant urge to urinate


– The uterus and ovaries are constricted.

-Dysmenorrhea, which causes pulsating uterine and ovarian pain.

– Early, pitch-black, ceasing periods that are accompanied by heart symptoms when lying down.

– Excruciating cramping while in labor or during menstruation.

– Menstrual clots, each of which passes and temporarily relieves pain.

– Pains that tighten up during sex.


– Breathing difficulty brought on by a weight on the chest.

– A tightening in the chest that makes it difficult to breathe.

– A band of iron squeezing the heart.

Palpitations, a pain that travels down the left arm, and angina pectoris.

– Hemoptysis accompanied by convulsive coughing fits.

– Diaphragm inflammation, which makes breathing extremely difficult.

– Talking loudly, exertion, and lying on one’s left side can all aggravate the pain.

– Left arm pain that extends, along with hand edema and breathing difficulty.

Palpitations made worse by exertion, from unrequited affections, lying on the left side, and during menstruation.

– The weight of oppression.


– Heart disease-related asthma;

– Mucus rattling.

– Repeated spells of suffocation.


– Endocarditis accompanied by violent and quick action, as well as mitral insufficiency.

– Performs best when cardiac incompetence is just beginning.

– Arteriosclerosis-related heart weakness. Heart from smoking.

– A ferocious palpitation that gets worse when lying on the left side around the time of menstruation.

– Angina pectoris, characterized by a constant iron band sensation, cold sweat, and suffocation.

– Left arm and neck pain radiating from the apex.

Flatulence, dyspnea, and palpitations are also present.

Heart pain and stitches that are extremely acute; constriction; weak, erratic, quick, and without strength pulse.

– Enlarged ventricle, excessive impulse, increased precordial dullness, and endocardial murmurs.

High blood pressure.


– Hands and feet edema, enlarged feet, soft hands, and heart issues.

– Irritated legs, numbness in the left arm, and icy hands.

– Rheumatic complaints; worse evening; rest; starting to move; better continuing motion.


– Lack of sleep due to the pulsation in various body parts.

– Unsettling dreams accompanied by falling dreams.


– A daily hour-long fever.

Back coldness and bone-chilling hands.

– Intermittent; hemorrhages accompanying incomplete paroxysms that start around noon (11 am).

– Coldness and extreme agony are the dominant sensations.

– An ongoing temperature that is below normal.


Laying on my left side at noon is the worst; at 11 am and 11 pm, I walk and go upstairs; being outside is better.


China, Camph, and Acon.

Complementary: Complementary

– Arsenic

Terms and Conditions

Homeopathic medicines have a variety of uses and are prescribed based on symptom similarity; it is assumed that you have sought medical advice before purchasing this medication and are not self-medicating.

BrandSBL Dilutions
Remedy TypeHomeopathic
Country of OriginIndia
Homeo FormsDilution
Potency30 CH / 30CH
Price₹ 85

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