Homeopathy Medicine for Sleepwalking


Sleepwalking, also known as somnambulism, is the act of getting out of bed while still asleep and moving around. It is more common in children than adults and is typically outgrown by adolescence. Isolated sleepwalking incidents frequently don’t indicate any serious issues or require treatment, but recurring sleepwalking may indicate an underlying sleep disorder.

The act of a child getting up in the middle of the night and walking or engaging in other activities without recalling it is known as sleepwalking.

Within an hour or two of falling asleep is when sleepwalking typically happens, in the early hours of the night.

Childhood sleepwalking typically goes away on its own around puberty, but it may last longer. About 18% of people sleepwalk at some point in their lives, and the majority of them do not have emotional or psychological problems.


Causes of sleepwalking include:

  • (The disorder could run in families) Hereditary
  • extreme sleep deprivation or exhaustion.
  • Sleep disorders like sleep apnea, which causes short pauses in a child’s breathing pattern while they sleep, can cause interrupted or ineffective sleep.
  • Illness or fever.
  • several drugs, including sedatives.
  • Stress, anxiety.
  • Having a full bladder and going to bed.
  • Noises or touches.
  • A hotel is an example of a different sleep environment or setting.
  • Migraines.
  • Head injuries.


Other signs of sleepwalking, aside from getting out of bed and moving around, include:

  • the act of repeatedly rubbing one’s eyes or tugging at one’s pajamas while sitting up in bed.
  • The eyes of sleepwalkers are open, but their vision is impaired compared to that of awake people.
  • Clumsy or awkward behavior.
  • refusing to speak back when prompted or giving unclear answers.
  • being hard to get out of bed.
  • Talking in their sleep.
  • the practice of urinating inappropriately, such as in a closet.

Natrum Mur

This medication is very helpful for people who frequently sit up during the night while they sleep, have anxious dreams while crying, or talk while they sleep. These people often have disturbed sleep, feel drowsy when they wake up, and may have violent headaches or yawn excessively throughout the day.


For those who need it, there is restlessness and disturbed sleep at night, frightening and horrible dreams, along with frequent waking up in fear. During sleep, there may be crying, moaning, and jerking of limbs. There is a feeling in the morning as if sleep is incomplete, and there is a feeling of being tired all day.

Kali Phos

Children who need it are agitated while they sleep and may mumble, cry, moan, or talk; they also experience night terrors and wake up startled even from sound sleep; in the morning, they feel sleepy and find it difficult to wake up; and excessive tiredness may also be present where it is needed. This medication is very effective at treating somnambulism in children.


It is a specific medication for somnambulism, which is when a person wakes up during the night, walks around, and then falls back asleep. They may talk loudly while they sleep, have nightmares, snore, or jerk their limbs.

Kali Bromatum

The medication is very helpful for treating somnambulism in children, who may also complain of night terrors, restless sleep, teeth-grinding, crying, and moaning during sleep, as well as night terrors where they wake up screaming and are unable to recognize anyone.


When someone complains of sleepwalking, stramonium is a helpful medication. Those who need it wake up in the middle of the night, especially after midnight, confused, with eyes that seem to be staring at something, and they may sit up in bed or move around. Other accompanying symptoms include restless sleep, tossing and turning in bed, snoring, and screams, starts, or laughter.

Artemisia Vulgaris

This medication is made from the fresh root of the plant Artemisia vulgaris, also known as wormwood, which is a member of the compositae family. It is used to treat epilepsy, which is a condition where a person experiences epilepsy after experiencing grief, fright, or a blow to the head, as well as cases where a person wakes up from sleep at night and begins doing his or her regular activities but forgets about it the next morning.


It is also a very effective treatment for somnambulism, which is a condition in which a person experiences nightmares, terrifying dreams that wake them up, sleepwalking, and a sense that their sleep was not fully completed when they wake up in the morning.

Zincum Met

People who require it have disturbed sleep with frequent waking, loud screaming in their sleep, frightening dreams while talking and sobbing, occasionally disturbed sleep from painful leg cramps, unrefreshing sleep with drowsiness and sleepiness in the daytime, etc. People who need it have disturbed sleep with drowsiness and frequent waking, loud screaming in their sleep, loud crying in their dreams, and other symptoms of suppressed emotions.

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