Homeopathy Medicine for Stillbirth


When a pregnancy ends after the 20th week of pregnancy, it is most frequently referred to as a stillbirth (also known as intrauterine fetal demise).1 Pregnancy losses that end before the 20th week are typically referred to as miscarriages.

Unfortunately, one in every 160 pregnancies results in a stillbirth.


Doctors frequently advise women who are past 28 weeks pregnant to track fetal kick counts at least once a day. A low, absent, or especially high kick count can be concerning. Stillbirth can occur without symptoms, but the main one is not feeling fetal movement.2

Just like adults, babies have days when they are more active than others. Drinking juice and then laying down is an effective way to stimulate your baby and monitor movement. Usually, a baby will respond with kicks over the course of the next 30 minutes or more. Trust your instincts. If your baby feels less active to you, or in contrast, overly active.

When it comes to their child’s welfare, mothers should always trust their instincts.


A variety of known factors, such as the following, can result in babies being stillborn, even though 25% to 60% of stillbirths go undiagnosed:

    • Birth defects14% of stillbirths are due to birth defects like anencephaly or chromosomal abnormalities in the baby.
      • InfectionsIn developed nations, infections such as bacterial vaginosis, group B strep, parvovirus B19 (the fifth disease), and others account for up to 24% of stillbirths (and/or miscarriages).ListeriafInfections are more likely to result in an early stillbirth (20–28 weeks gestation) than an early stillbirth after 28 weeks, including food poisoning, cytomegalovirus, genital herpes, and syphilis.
      • Placental abruptionPlacental abruption, which occurs to some extent in 1% of pregnancies, is characterized by the premature separation of the placenta from the uterine wall. The risk of stillbirth depends on the degree of separation, with a separation of 50% or more frequently resulting in stillbirth.
      • Umbilical cord accidentsAround 10% of stillbirths are caused by umbilical cord-related complications, such as a knot in the cord, a prolapsed cord (when the cord emerges from the vagina before the baby and is compressed), or a cord that is tightly coiled around the baby’s neck.

Risk Factors

Stillbirths frequently occur with no apparent risk factors, like the majority of other pregnancy losses. However, there are some risk factors that are linked to a higher risk of stillbirth, such as:

  • injuries to the abdomen caused by falls, traffic accidents, or domestic abuse
  • Use of alcohol or drugs during pregnancy, including those that are prescribed and those that aren’t
  • Toxemia, intrauterine growth retardation, or a history of preterm birth from a previous pregnancy
  • Neonatal death (death within the first 28 days of life) or history of stillbirth, miscarriage, or
  • Intrauterine growth retardation
  • Lack of prenatal care
  • Mothers who are older than 35 but under 201
  • maternal health issues, especially diabetes and high blood pressure, as well as lupus, kidney disease, and some blood clotting disorders
  • Obesity
  • Pregnancies that are past term or past 41 to 42 weeks gestation
  • Pre-eclampsia (pregnancy-induced hypertension)
  • No matter their socioeconomic status, Black women experience a higher incidence than White women.
  • The supine (back) position for sleeping6
  • Smoking
  • Multiple pregnancies, including twin pregnancies


As part of prenatal care, doctors look for early signs of issues in the mother and the baby. When risk factors exist, such as high blood pressure, a doctor and patient may be able to take action to reduce the risk. This is why regular prenatal care is so important.

Consultation with a perinatologist or obstetrician with expertise in high-risk pregnancies should be taken into consideration for women who are at an increased risk of stillbirth.

Maintaining general health and keeping an eye out for pregnancy problems are the best ways to avoid stillbirth in pregnancies with average risk, including the following:

  • ÃŽnaintea pregnancy, make an effort to reach a healthy weight.
  • Avoid using recreational drugs, alcohol, or tobacco while you are pregnant.
  • If you notice any changes that worry you while watching your baby kick, let your doctor know.
  • Instead of sleeping on your back, turn over.
  • Soft cheeses, raw milk, unpasteurized dairy products, and undercooked meats should all be avoided as they can all result in food poisoning.
  • Any unusual abdominal pain, itchiness, or vaginal bleeding should be immediately reported to a doctor.

Nevertheless, a stillbirth can happen without warning and is rarely preventable in many situations, such as cord accidents, placental abruption, chromosomal conditions, or other unforeseen issues.


The selection of a remedy is based on the theory of individualization and symptoms similarity by using a holistic approach, which is one of the most well-liked holistic systems of medicine. This is the only way through which a state of complete health can be regained by removing all the signs and symptoms from which the patient is suffering.


Fear and fright = Aconite.

Extreme anxiety felt during pregnancy; contractions feel violent and intense, causing a state of fear and anxiety; restless, agitated, and fearful of dying; especially helpful during the transitional phase of labor; baby appears shocked and unsettled after birth; very reassuring for anxious fathers and grandparents.


Reduces swelling and bruising, lowers the risk of infection, and promotes healing. Helpful to reduce caput/swelling of the baby’s head after birth. Feeling sore and bruised during labor; they may not want to be touched. Relieves soft tissue damage (perineum and abdomen) after birth.

Bellis Perennis:

Excellent for bruising, soreness, pelvic pain, or abdominal tissues during pregnancy and after birth; follows well after Arnica or if Arnica does not relieve discomfort.


In addition to being helpful if labor pains fail to dilate the cervix and contractions become irregular, short, and spasmodic, it can be used at term to help strengthen and tone the uterus and prepare and soften the cervix before birth.


Similar to caulophyllum, with the difference being that it aids in the production of coordinated contractions while reducing fear and anxiety. It also encourages a woman to open up both emotionally and physically during labor, even though she may feel physically incapable of doing so.


Excellent treatment for labor that is dysfunctional and not progressing, especially if the baby is positioned posteriorly. Contractions are felt in the back, and there is weakness and exhaustion.


Following an episiotomy, perineal tears, or c-section, patients may experience shooting pains.

Kali Carbonicum:

When having contractions, the back is the main area of discomfort (especially for babies who are posteriorly positioned); the pain may also radiate to the buttocks; it frequently feels icy; and the back hurts like it might break.

Nux vomica:

For back cramps that spread to the buttocks and thighs. For people who are irritable, impatient, and easily enraged and offended. For people who are sensitive to odors, light, and noise. For people who cannot tolerate pressure on their backs and whose pain is made worse by pressure (in contrast to Kali Carb).


Relieves feelings of rage, resentment, disappointment, and emotional upset that may follow a challenging labor and delivery or caesarian section, as well as promotes the quick healing of incisions or lacerated wounds.

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