Homeopathy Medicine for Stuttering


A person with stuttering, also known as stammering, repeats or extends words, syllables, or phrases when speaking.

A person who stutters (or stammers) may also pause in the middle of a sentence or leave out entire syllables altogether.

Fast facts on stuttering

  • Males are more likely than females to stutter.
  • Stuttering can occasionally prevent someone from speaking out loud at all.
  • A speech-language pathologist will see the person to provide an official diagnosis.
  • Stuttering is a condition that most kids outgrow.
  • A concussion may occasionally cause someone to stutter.

The majority of the time, stuttering can be resolved despite being a common issue.

It could happen during a tense job interview, while speaking on the phone with emergency services, or while giving a speech in front of a large audience.

The speech disorder affects less than 1% of adults and is thought to be five times more common in boys than in girls when children are learning to speak. Most children, however, outgrow stuttering.

However, for some people, the issue continues and they need some sort of specialist assistance, like speech therapy.

Symptoms of Stuttering/Stammering

A person who stutters frequently repeats words or parts of words, tends to prolong certain speech sounds, may find it difficult to begin some words, may become tense when they speak, may blink quickly, and may experience trembling in their lips or jaw.

Sometimes the desired word is uttered, or interjections are used to delay the initiation of a word the speaker knows causes problems, such as the words “um,” “like,” “I mean,” “well,” or “umm.” “Blocked” is when their mouths are in the right position to say the word, but virtually no sound comes out. This may last several seconds.

the following are typical stuttering symptoms and signs:

  • beginning-of-sentence issues can occur.
  • hesitation before having to make a particular sound.
  • a syllable, word, or sound being repeated.
  • There may be some protracted speech sounds.
  • Occasionally, speech will emerge.
  • Circumlocution is the use of words with specific sounds in place of others.

Speaking may also result in:

  • rapid blinking
  • trembling lips
  • foot tapping
  • a trembling jaw
  • the tightening of the upper body or face

Causes of Stuttering/Stammering

We do know that someone with a stutter is much more likely to have a close family member who also has one, compared to other people, but experts are not entirely sure what causes stuttering.

Developmental stuttering

The majority of children experience less and less symptoms as this developmental stage advances until they can speak smoothly. As children learn to speak, they frequently stutter, especially early on when their speech and language skills are not well developed.

Neurogenic stuttering

Neurogenic stuttering, which can affect both children and adults after a stroke or other brain injury, occurs when the signals between the brain and speech nerves and muscles are not functioning properly.

  • stroke
  • head trauma
  • Ischemic attacks – brief interruption of the brain’s blood supply
  • tumors
  • diseases that worsen over time, like Parkinson’s
  • meningitis

Psychological Factors

For some people, stuttering can get worse under stress.

Fortunately, the widespread notion that psychological factors play a major role in long-term stuttering has been disproved.

For individuals who already stutter, psychological factors could exacerbate their condition.

Stress, shame, and anxiety, for instance, can amplify a stutter but aren’t typically thought to be the root cause.

To put it another way, living with a stigmatized speech disorder, which can sometimes exacerbate symptoms, results in anxiety, low self-esteem, nervousness, and stress rather than actually causing stuttering.

Risk factors

Family history– If a young child stutters and also has a close family member who stutters, their chances of that speech disorder continuing are significantly higher.

Age when stutter startsThe earlier stuttering starts, the less likely it is to last over time; a child who begins stuttering before the age of 3.5 has a lower chance of continuing to stutter later in life.

Time since stuttering started– without speech therapy, about 75 percent of all young children who stutter will lose their stuttering within a year or two.

Without professional help (and even with professional help), the longer the stuttering persists, the greater the likelihood that the issue will become long-term.

Sex– long-term stuttering is four times more common in boys than in girls; experts speculate that this may be due to differences in the way that families react to stuttering in boys as opposed to girls, but nobody is really sure why.

Homeopathic Medicine for Stuttering/Stammering

There is no one medicine that is universally applicable to all stammering cases, so the appropriate medicine is chosen based on individual case studies. The homeopathic system offers a very effective and safe treatment for stammering. In fact, homeopathy is known to have a range of natural medicines that are highly effective in bringing about good recovery in stammering cases.

Stramonium and Lachesis – Top Grade Medicine for Stammering

One of the best treatments for stammering is a combination of lachesis and stramonium, which is most effective when a person has to strain for a long time before uttering a word.

Lycopodium :Apart from stammering, Lycopodium is also very beneficial for people with a poor memory, sluggish sleep, lack of self-confidence and low self-esteem. Fear of public speaking may also predominate among people in need of Lycopodium. Lycopodium is one of the most effective medicines for stammering and shows remarkable results where a person stammers while speaking out the last words of a sentence.

Spigelia :The characteristic indication for using Spigelia is stammering on the first few words of a sentence followed by normal, clear, uninterrupted speech. The individual who requires prescribing Spigelia repeats the first syllable about three to four times before he can move on to the next part of the sentence.

Causticum, Lac Caninum, Staphysagria :The best homeopathic treatments for stammering include Causticum, Lac Caninum, and Staphysagria. Causticum is recommended in situations where a person’s stammering is noted when they are mentally or emotionally excited. Lac Caninum is the best option to use when a person begins to stammer when he talks quickly. Staphysagria has demonstrated impressive results in situations where the stammering appears when speaking to strangers.

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