Homeopathy Medicine for Teething Trouble
Ordoniasis, another word for teething, is the process whereby a baby’s teeth begin to erupt through the gum line.
There’s no need to worry if your baby’s teeth come in on a different timetable; it can be different for every baby. Most babies start teething between 4 and 7 months old, but some start much later.
Signs and Symptoms
Although not all infants experience the same symptoms, they could include:
- Swollen, tender gums
- Fussiness and crying
- a temperature that is just above normal but not quite 101 F.
- desire to chew on something tough or to gnaw
- A face rash as a result of their excessive drooling
- Coughing
- pulling their ear or scratching their cheek
- the act of putting one’s hands over one’s mouth
- Modifications to eating or sleeping habits
If your baby exhibits symptoms that aren’t typical of teething, such as diarrhea, vomiting, rashes on their bodies, a higher fever, coughing, or congestion, call your doctor right away.
Order of Tooth Eruption
The lower front two teeth typically erupt first, followed by the opposite top two teeth and the two on either side of them, the bottom front two teeth follow, the first molars follow, the teeth in front of the first molars follow, and the back molars erupt last. When and how teeth erupt can vary from baby to baby and may be based on family history, but most of the time, the lower front two teeth erupt first, the opposite top two teeth follow, the
By the time a child is three years old, 20 “baby teeth” will have erupted.
Aconitum apellus
This remedy can frequently provide relief if teething is excruciatingly painful and the baby exhibits signs of agitation or fear. The baby may have flushed skin, inflamed gums, and restless sleep.
The baby is restless, easily startled, and may have a propensity to cry out during sleep, which frequently indicates the need for this remedy.
Calcarea carbonica
Baby who needs this remedy is typically chubby, slow to learn to crawl or walk, and their heads frequently sweat during naps or sleep at night. If teething is late to begin, then slow and difficult, this remedy can be helpful. The baby may seem sad or anxious with the pain, making chewing motions and pressing his gums together, frequently even while sleeping.
Calcarea phosphorica
In addition to irritability, picky eating habits, and stomachaches, this remedy may be beneficial for a child whose teeth are late to erupt. A child who needs this remedy frequently has food allergies and may be predisposed to early tooth decay.
Babies may feel agitated, scream, hit, and want to be rocked or carried constantly to distract them from the pain; the gums may be so tender that touching them is intolerable; or they may feel better from hard pressure and biting down on something cold; this remedy is frequently indicated when a child seems extremely irritable or angry; the pain appears to be unbearable; and greenish diarrhea that occurs as a result of teething stress is another indication.Chamomilla.
Coffea cruda
Holding something cold on the gums can often help to calm the distressing pain of teething in children who seem hyperactive and have trouble falling asleep.
The baby’s sleep may be light and restless, with jerks or twitches in the arms and legs, and if the child appears to be extremely emotional, upset, or sad as a result of teething, this remedy may provide relief.
Teeth that decay shortly after coming in often indicate a need for this treatment, especially if the child has irritable saliva and significant discomfort while teething.Kreosotum.
Magnesia phosphorica
The baby may appear happier when drinking warm liquids from a cup or bottle or when biting down on an object. This remedy is frequently helpful for painful teething, relieved by pressing on the painful area and by heat. A warm washcloth or hot water bottle held against the cheek may also help.
This treatment might be necessary if a baby experiencing teething pain bites down on anything within reach or presses his or her gums together very firmly all the time.
This remedy can help a baby who is crying a lot during teething and needs to be held and comforted all the time. Cool food and drinks, as well as being outside in the fresh air, can also help.
Silicea (also called Silica)
This treatment may help with slow, challenging teething that leaves the baby exhausted and anxious.Silicafrequently have fine hair, give off the impression of being a little delicate, and have weak immune systems.
This treatment may be necessary if a baby experiences episodes of stress-induced diarrhea (often whitish in color), a reddish irritation or rash on the baby’s chin or diaper area, irritability and anxiety that are made worse by heat, and any of the aforementioned symptoms.
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