Homeopathy Medicine for Toothache


Any pain we experience in our gums or around our teeth is known as a toothache, and it is typically an indication that there is a problem with our teeth or gums.

We should never ignore toothaches because toothaches brought on by tooth decay can worsen if left untreated. However, sometimes toothache pain is referred pain, meaning the pain is brought on by a problem elsewhere in our body.

Although toothaches typically aren’t fatal, they occasionally can be symptoms of serious illnesses that need to be treated right away.

Mild to severe toothaches can happen, and they can be ongoing or episodic.


  • Some people only experience pain when they apply pressure to their teeth, such as when they bite down on something, and it may be sharp, throbbing, or constant.
  • Swelling around the tooth.
  • Fever or headache.
  • toxic drainage coming from the infected tooth.
  • a mouth odor that is unpleasant.


Common causes of toothaches:

The most frequent cause of toothaches is tooth decay, which can lead to an infection in the pulp of the tooth or near it if left untreated, which is known as an abscess.

A tooth that is impacted—typically a wisdom tooth—is one that cannot erupt or grow in because it is lodged in the gum tissue or the bone, resulting in a toothache.

Common causes of referred pain toothaches:

A viral, bacterial, or fungal infection in the sinus cavity can cause sinusitis, a condition in which the sinuses become inflamed.

Our upper teeth can experience pain from sinusitis because the roots of those teeth are so close to our sinuses.

Less common causes of referred pain toothaches:

Toothaches can also be brought on by lung cancer, heart disease, and in some cases, a heart attack.

The vagus nerve, which travels from the brain through the jaw to various body organs including the heart and lungs, can cause toothache pain in people with heart and lung disease.

Rare causes of referred pain toothaches:

Our trigeminal and occipital nerves become irritated or inflamed as a result of the painful neurological conditions trigeminal neuralgia and occipital neuralgia.

When these nerves become inflamed, pain may appear to originate from the teeth because they supply our skull, face, and teeth.

Treating toothaches:

While you wait for your dentist or doctor to schedule you for an appointment, home remedies may momentarily ease your pain.

To find tooth decay or other dental issues, your dentist will use X-rays and a physical examination of your teeth. If an infection is present, they may also prescribe painkillers and antibiotics.

If the cause of your toothache is tooth decay, your dentist will drill out the decay and fill the space with dental materials; if the cause is an impacted tooth, surgery may be necessary to remove it.


ARNICA :When there is pain, bruising, and swelling brought on by an injury, surgery, or overexertion, it can be helpful for a toothache.

CALENDULA :Applying the tincture to injured gums and areas around the teeth can help lessen the risk of infection and promote tissue healing after cuts or bruises. It is beneficial for the body to fight inflammation, infection, and abscess.

CHAMMOMILA 30 :useful for those who experience intolerable pain due to pain sensitivity.

Coffea cruda :helpful for toothaches, which are aggravated at night and by hot beverages.

Gelsemium :The feeling of trembling and being weak from dread is beneficial for people who experience anxiety and apprehension.

MERC SOL :Useful for offensive breath, excessive salivation, and swollen glands. Symptoms are worse at night, and the person is extremely sensitive to temperatures, both cold and hot. Additionally, there may be canker sores with a bad taste in the mouth. There is a tendency toward tender, bleeding, swollen gums and teeth that easily loosen and decay.

PLANTAGO :helpful for toothaches where the affected teeth develop hollow cavities.


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