Homeopathic Remedies for Hoarse Voice and Aphonia


Hoarse Voice and Aphonia

Cold, catarrh, loud talking or singing may give rise to hoarse voice. Loss of voice due to interference with the due approximation and tension of the vocal cord is Aphonia. Laryngitis, tuberculosis, syphilis or new growths produce this later condition.


Due to catarrh: Causticum 6. Due to exposure to sunshine: Antim Crude 6. Due to straining of voice: Arnica 3. Due to weakness—Iodium 6, Phosph. 6. If associated with menstruation Gels. 3x. Due to hysteria Ignatia 3x. Due to paralysis of vocal cord Oxalic Acid 3 or Phosph 3. If due to paralysis of the muscles of the vocal cord, these are the two chief remedies for Aphonia.

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