Homeopathic Remedies For Plague (Pestis)


Plague (Pestis)

It is a blood-poison, in which death rapidly supervenes. Plague is traced to Egypt, 2400 years ago. In 1895 it came from Hongkong into India.


A small germ, called bacillus pestis is the cause of plague. This germ resides in the body of ratfleas. When a rat is affected with plague, the fleas suck its blood and thereby come to harbour myriads of the plague germs in their body. When the rat dies the fleas leave its body in quest of fresh blood, which is their food. In this way, they sit on the legs of human beings or attach themselves to the body of a fresh rat and bite them. At the time of biting man or rat, a flea discharges a lot of germs into the blood of the host and this is how plague-germs get inside our body. Plague, therefore, commences first in rats and is communicated from rats to men by rat-fleas. See Appendix C. (4).


The incubation period is short— 5 hours to 7 days and is characterized by mental and bodily depression. Then suddenly, after nausea and a sharp chill, temperature rises high (even to 107°F.) the patient becomes unconscious or delirious and sweats much. There may be bleeding from any of the natural body orifices or into skin (ecchymoses). Bubo (i.e., tender swollen lymphatic glands) soon appears either on the neck or in the armpit or in the groin.


Symptoms of bad omen are: Ecchymoses, bleedings, diarrhoea, gangrenous condition of the buboes. Symptoms of favourable auguary are Pus formation in the buboes and subsidence of temperature.


  • Bubonic—in which one or more glands swell.
  • Pneumonic—in which pneumonia is the chief symptom.
  • Intestinal—in which flatulence, diarrhoea or other intestinal troubles prevail.
  • Septicaemic—in which the whole system is at once and very badly affected.


Open up dark corners to light and sunshine. Avoid granaries and kill rats. Do not walk barefooted or remain bare-legged. Bum all dead rats at once with kerosene. Tie an ‘Ignatia Bean’ round the arm or waist.


As soon as plague is diagnosed, give Pestinum or Plaguinum 30 or 200, twice daily; also Ars. 3x —30

  • During Incubation Stage—Ignatia
  • In the septicaemic form—For fever with delirium, Belladonna 6. For the fully developed stage—Naja 3 or 6.
  • In Bubonic type—Badiaga 1x internally and externally over the bubo.
  • In Pneumonic type—Phosphorous 6-30.
  • In the Enteric type—Arsenic 6—30.

For collapse

Acid Hydrocyanic 3, 6; Ars. 6; Cuprum 6; Secale cornutum 3; Nicotine 6—30; Carbo Veg. 6, 12, 30; Kali Cyanatum 3x; Cobra or Naja 6. For Dropsy– Apis 3-30. For Delirium or Painful bubo—Belladonna 3x—6. For expression purpura, etc. —Lachesis 6—30. For Bleeding—Crotalus 3—6. For profound depression, restlessness, ulcer, yellow eyes and when the patient feels as if bruised-Naja 3-6.

Dr. M. L. Sarkar (vide his ‘Plague’ in the Calcutta Journal of Medicine, Nov. 1897) recommended these—Ignatia, Aconite, Belladonna, Cobra, Crotalus, Lachesis Elaps, Phosphorus, Arsenic, Merc, Cor., Baptisia, Acid Carbolic, Antim Tart., Carbo Animalis, Carbo Veg., Pyrogen, Anthraxinum, Kali Phosp., Loimine, Rhus tox., Ailanthus, Muriatic Acid, Phytolacca, Apium Virus, Opium, Hyoscyamus, Stramonium, Ipecac, Antim Crude, Heper Sulph., Silicea and Badiaga. These should be used only by qualified physicians.


  • Carbo or Naja 3 (in powder)—Its indications are: Pain all over the body; restlessness; difficulty in breathing; drowsiness; senselessness; bleeding; pulselessnes; blueness of whole body; loss of vitality. If patient is unable to swallow the medicine, give it hypodermically. Cobra (Naja), 1 to 1,000 in glycerine (3x trit.) was used successfully by Major H.E. Dean of the British Army in India.
  • Pyrogenium 30—200. Use it in hyperpyrexia. (3) Kali mur. 12x (trit), 200—According to the biochemists, it is a valuable plague remedy.

Accessory Treatment

Keep the room well ventilated; bum sulphur or neem leaves in powder in the room.


Milk and Sago or Barley or Arrowroot gruel; fruit juice; moong or masoor dal juices. Feed the patient with nutrient enemata, if necessary.

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