Homeopathic Medicine for Diphtheria



APIS 30, 200

According to Dr. Allen Apis is almost specific in true diphtheria, always indicated when the throat is very much swollen and oedematous with severe stinging pains on attempting to swallow.

It is a magnificent remedy in diphtheria.

Oedema stands first among the indications for this remedy.

Soft palate is puffed like a water bag uvula hangs down with a semi-transparent appearance like a bag of water.

The right side is more affected than the left.

Great burning and stinging pain in throat, better by cold drinks, worse by heat or warm drinks.

The throat has a glassy red appearance as if varnished.

The tongue is red and swells up until it fills the mouth.

The external throat is swollen and oedematous.

The skin is dry and hot, and the fever runs very high.

In spite of high fever, the child is often thirst less.

Suppression of urine is a complication of calling for Apis.


Ars. is a valuable remedy and is called for in severe cases. Its symptoms are—

Throat is swollen very much both internally and externally.

Intense burning. Burning when swallowing.

Oedematous uvula.

Great weakness, restlessness, anxiety.

The bowels are constipated or exhausting watery and offensive diarrhea.

The urine is scanty.

May be thirsty, drinking often but little at a time (only sips).


Malignant form of diphtheria, attacking larynx down respiratory organs.

The membranes start in the larynx and spreads upwards and covers the whole fauces.

Inspiration becomes extremely difficult.

Breathing becomes hoarse and rattling and sounds as though it has been obstructed by a sponge or other loose substance, vibrating in the passage. Cannot inspire deep enough.

Much rattling of mucus in the larynx is a characteristic indication.


It is useful in diphtheria when the membrane is thick, yellow.

The tongue is coated yellow or red, dry and glossy.

Pain in the throat extends to neck and shoulders.

Cough is croupy and accompanied, with pain in the chest.

Cervical glands swollen.

The discharges (coming from the throat or nose) are stringy.

Tonsils and sub maxillary glands swollen.

Oedematous swelling uvula, tongue, cheeks, gums. Swelling like decayed meat.

Disease spreading upward in to nostrils and down into larynx and trachea.

Throat pain while coughing, swallowing, extending to ears.

KALI. MUR. 12, 30

This is very useful remedy in the treatment of diphtheria.

White deposit in throat, thick exudation over the tonsils and entire soft palate, foetid breath, numerous grey ulcers in mouth and throat, excessive secretion of stringy mucus, hoarse voice, incessant cough, sputa white as milk difficult respiration and oppression of chest is important symptom of Kali. Mur.


Lyco. bears the same relation to the RIGHT SIDE of the throat that Lachesis does to the Left.

The disease begins on the right side and spreads towards the left (Lach. opposite) or the right side is mostly affected.

So much that even when during the course of the disease under Lachesis, when the membrane goes to the right side, Lyco. comes in as substitute.

Like Lachesis, the patient is worse after sleep and after swallowing drinks, especially cold ones, better from warm drinks.

Cervical glands, tonsils, tongue all are so much swollen that the patient is obliged to open the mouth and protrude the tongue in order to get breath.

The nose is affected by the disease.

The nose is so stuffed up that the child cannot breathe through his nose at night.

Fan like motion of the alae-nasi and aggravation from 4 to 8 p.m. is also important symptom of Lycopodium.


When the attack from the onset tends to malignancy.

Painless diphtheria with sudden onset.

Swallow without pain, but fluids are vomited or returned by the nose. Bleeding from nose with extreme weakness.

Collapse almost at the very beginning.

Glands swollen, tongue red, swollen.

Breath and discharge very offensive.

Diphtheric membrane thick, dark.

Patient is greatly prostrated yet restless often a saviour at the brink of death and in those cases where well-selected remedies fail to cure.

It should be used in high potency and should not be repeated frequently.

Also useful in post-diphtheric paralysis.


It is one of the best remedies for diphtheria.

Patient is very much prostrated from the beginning.

The weakness is extreme, collapse are the symptoms at the commencement of the disease.

The membrane covering the velum palati and tonsils, in the beginning is white, but it may turn dark and threaten to become gangrenous when the glands of the neck swell.

The tongue is brownish and blackish.

Persistent nosebleed, loss of appetite, profuse flow of saliva.

The breath is fetid.

Extreme weakness. Pulse quick, may be 130 or 140 beats per minutes.


It is very valuable remedy in diphtheria.

It is called for when the membrane forms on the left tonsil, spreading to the right.

Throat is very sensitive. Extremely painful and difficult swallowing.

Constant feeling as of a lump in the left side of the throat.

Feeling of constriction as if the throat was suddenly closing up.

Externally the throat is very sensitive to the slightest touch. The fauces are of a dark purplish color.

The dyspnea is also marked; the patient must sit up to breath.

A characteristic symptom of Lachesis is that the throat feels worse from empty swallowing.

The child is drowsy even though feverish.

Pulse is feeble and extremities are cold.

Sometimes after giving Lachesis, the membrane goes to the right side, then Lycopodium comes in as the substitute.


Extreme weakness is the most characteristic symptom of Mur. Acid.

The mucous membrane of the mouth becomes intensely red.

Uvula swollen, which sometimes hangs down as thick as thumb and lies on the tongue causing the child to gag and choke.

There is foetid breath and a yellowish grey deposit on fauces, tonsils, uvula and posterior pharyngeal wall.

A thin, excoriating discharge from the nose, making the upper lip sore.

The tongue dry, lips dry and cracked.

The pulse become intermittent and accompanied by involuntary stools and urine.


Nit Ac. is one of the main remedies in nasal diphtheria.

Excoriating, watery and very offensive discharge is characteristics of this remedy.

Nosebleed, blood dark and clotted.

Diphtheric patches on tonsils and fauces, extend to mouth, lips, nose.

White deposit in the nose.

Ulcers in the mouth with stinging in them as if from splinters.

It is preferable to any other remedies when there is a nasal discharge described above and the discharge affects the stomach.

There is much distress and uneasiness at the stomach and vomiting of all food.


It is useful in the beginning of the disease.

Pain in the back and limbs, a general aching all over with great prostrations are general characteristics of this remedy.

Throat is dark red, almost purple and is worse on the right side.

Swallowing almost impossible.

Shooting pain extending to the ears.

Thick coated tongue, foetid breath, swollen glands.

Great burning in the throat, which is aggravated by hot drinks.

RHUS TOX. 6, 30

Rhus Tox. is useful in severe cases, especially when the disease takes on a typhoid form and when no other remedy is indicated.

The membrane is dark in color and blood saliva runs out of the mouth during sleep.

Glands about the neck are swollen.

Tonsils covered with yellow membrane.

Tongue dry, sore, red, cracked.

Triangular red tip.


Alternating sides is very important symptom of this remedy.

Diphtheria begins on left side and spreads to right.

Diphtheria symptoms change repeatedly form side to side.

Pains also constantly file from one side to another.

Diphtheria beginning in larynx and spreading upwards.

Ulcers on tonsil. Fauces covered with a yellowish grey curdy deposit.

Pricking sensation in throat as if full of sticks.

Tongue, fauces and tonsils swollen and covered with a dirty coating.

Lac. Can. acts best in single dose.

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